
v96bet威九国际: International Programmes

v96bet威九国际:SMAE 28 graduates Attended Samara University Space Systems and Technology Course


Led by Deputy Dean Wang Jixin and Professor Chen Chuanhai, a total of 28 SMAE graduate students attended a 72-hour course on Space Systems and Technology conducted by Samara University in Russia from October 21st to November 2nd, 2019.

During the course, professors of the Institute of Space and Rocket Technique of Samara University gave lectures on flight mechanic of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace materials and technology, space materials science, health and wellness in lifecycle of space and rocket technique, space economy. In addition to theoretical study, the students were given 8-hour training of rocket launch, during which the students completed the design, assembly and launch of their own rocket.

This trip to Samara enabled the students to enrich their knowledge and enhance their innovative ability.
